The government protects the property rights and legitimate interests of all kinds of ownership by ensuring that various ownerships have equal access to production factors, open and fair market competition and the same legal protection and supervision. 国家保护各种所有制经济产权和合法利益,保证各种所有制经济依法平等使用生产要素、公开公平公正参与市场竞争、同等受到法律保护,依法监管各种所有制经济。
Such structural defects as irrational allocation of agriculture production factors and lack of market-oriented system have constituted the major factor constraining agriculture development. 农业生产要素配置不合理、市场化体系缺失等结构性缺陷正成为制约农业产业发展的主要因素之一。
An Analysis Of The Agricultural Production Factors 'Liquidity Dilemma In The Background Of The New Countryside Construction 新农村建设背景下农业生产要素的流动性悖论分析
An Empirical Study on the Contribution of Production Factors to Economic Growth in China: Based on Comparison among Different Human Capital Indices 我国经济增长要素贡献实证分析:不同人力资本指标比较人力资本有效性指标体系的评价研究
Research on Allocation of Production Factors and Income Disparity in Urban-Rural of China Differentials and Countermeasures to the Distribution of Sanitarian Resources between Town and Country in He'nan 生产要素配置与我国城乡收入差距研究河南省卫生资源配置的城乡差异与对策
This paper founds a network model based on the inter-regional flow of production factors. 文章基于生产要素跨区域流动视角,构建了区际要素流动的网络模型。
The intersection of distribution according to work and distribution according to production factors lies in the distribution according to labor property rights. 按劳分配与按要素分配的有机结合点在于按劳动力产权分配。
Improve the Competitive of Chinese Textile Industry by Using New Production Factors; International Textiles and Clothing Bureau 用新生产要素提升我国纺织服装企业竞争力国际纺织品和服装局
The result of study shows, in case of not changing in other production factors, so long as through organizing rationally, can create new social productivity. 研究结果表明,在其他生产要素不变的情况下,只要经过合理组织,就能创造出新的社会生产力。
Factor Mobility and Dispersion in Marginal Products: A Case on China; Analysis of Production Factors Mobility and Incentives to be Conducive to the Co-ordinate Development between City and Countryside Taking Chongqing as an Example 我国省份之间的要素流动和边际生产率的差异分析有利于城乡统筹发展的生产要素流动及激励措施探析&以重庆为例
Relations and Measurements of TFP, Technological Efficiency, and Technological Advances; Mechanism to Achieve Technical Progress and Theoretical Hypothesis about Production Elasticity among Production Factors 全要素生产率、技术效率、技术进步之间的关系及测算技术进步实现机制和生产要素产出弹性理论假说&来自我国9个发达经济区的实证检验
The US Department of Commerce uses the price of each production factors of the subrogate countries to calculate the putative normal price. 美国商务部以被调查商品的各生产要素在替代国的相应价格来计算其正常价值。
To analyze various production factors quantitatively, with Grey Correlation Analysis a ranking method of parameters which has important influence on the productivity was given. 为定量分析混合井网产能的各种影响因素,运用灰色关联分析法分析了各因素的关联度,确定出主要影响因素。
The Replacement of Leading Production Factors and the Evolvement of Economic Development Phases& A Study of Economic Development Process from the Very Long Run Perspective 主导生产要素更替与经济发展阶段演化&基于甚长期视角的经济发展过程研究
Distribution according to the contributions of production factors is associated with a series of managerial theories and methods. 实现生产要素按贡献参与分配牵涉到一系列微观层面的管理理论与方法问题。
The Contractual Nature of Construction Agent System for Government-Funded projects& Based on the Perspective of Production Factors 政府投资项目代建制的契约本质探讨&基于生产要素的视角
The Research on the Relationship between Food Production Factors and Food Security of Henan Province 河南省粮食生产影响因素及其与粮食安全关系的研究
The Clustering Efficiency and Rational Allocation of Production Factors of Manufacturing Industries in China 中国制造业产业集聚效率评价及其生产要素合理配置研究
The structural economic growth is the main power to promote the allocation efficiency of production factors, anti this effect has been strengthened dynamically by trade structure. 摘要结构转换带来的经济增长效应促进了要素在各部门的合理配置和最优使用,并通过结构贸易扩张其动态优势。
Analysis of Production Factors Mobility and Incentives to be Conducive to the Co-ordinate Development between City and Countryside Taking Chongqing as an Example 有利于城乡统筹发展的生产要素流动及激励措施探析&以重庆为例
Based on the above, an econometrical model concerning the effect of distribution of production factors on economic growth mechanism is established, and the parameter. 在此基础上,建立了一个考虑要素分配对增长方式影响的计量经济模型,并根据我国的经济数据,对模型的参数进行了估计和检验。
Play a model role for the optimum integration of varied production factors and the leap-forward sustainable development of the countryside in economy, culture and environment. 为各种生产力要素的优化组合,为乡村社会经济文化环境的跨越式和可持续发展发挥示范效应。
Theoretically speaking, the result of income distribution ( distribution on work and on production factors) leads to inevitable gaps. 从理论上讲,收入分配(按劳分配和按生产要素分配)的结果势必导致收入差距的存在。
A lot of economists and managers, regard organization as the fourth largest production factors besides labor force, means of labor and subject of labor even. 许多经济学家和管理学家,还把组织看作是除了劳动者、劳动资料和劳动对象之外的第四大生产要素。
The potential capacity means the growth level to be brought along by the comprehensive balance between production factors and demand. 所谓潜在能力,是指一个国家的要素和其需求综合平衡后,可以带动经济增长的水平。
Rapid progress in science and technology and the accelerated transformation of global economy and relocation of production factors have provided a historical opportunity for countries to speed up development. 科技进步日新月异,全球产业调整与生产要素转移加快,为各国实现更快发展提供了历史性机遇。
Understanding scientifically the relation between labour theory of value and distribution according to production factors; 把按劳分配和按生产要素分配结合起来”,党的“十六大”继续坚持和完善。
Mining Electric Locomotive Traction Contact Electrical Contact Resistance and Its Impact on Production Factors 矿山电力机车触头牵引电器接触电阻的产生及影响因素
The business community is an important carrier of the flow of the essential production factors of the world. 工商企业是国际生产要素流动的重要载体。
Under different combinations of production factors, the optimum technological investment is studied. 研究了生产要素不同组合条件下,技术适度投入问题;